
If you enjoy wine? then El-Figueral is in an ideal location to taste some of the finest wines in Spain as we are in the heart of the DOQ Priorat, DO Montsant, DO Terra Alta and DO Tarragona wine regions.

There are lots of excellent vineyards in the area, but we only include the ones on this site that we have personally visited and believe to be superior.

We can arrange wine tasting visits can be arranged by appointment on behalf of our guests.

We keep a range of superior wines from the vineyards recommended a in our wine cooler for guests to purchase.

DO Montsant

The main style of Montsant is powerful red wines, which can be similar to the wines of Priorat when they are made from old vine Grenache and Carignan. Production also includes white wines, rosé wines, and sweet red wines.

“The Monsant designation of Origin combines tradition and innovation, on a journey from the amphotea of Tarraco to the new generations of winegrowers and winemakers, Monsant is a love for landscape, sustainability, agriculture and cooperation; an amalgam of earth and sophistication that always ends in toasts”

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DOQ Priorat

A region with ancient wine tradition, with wines already famous from as far back as the XII th Century, well known for its powerful flavour and taste. Nowadays, in the Priorat there are two Denominations d’Origent, the DOQ Priorat, which is formed by the Historic Priorat territory, and the DO Montsant, a newer DO, however, producing surprisingly good wines. Interestingly Priorat wines is the only other region in Spain holding the same quality mark as the more well-known Rioja wines.

Wine - El Figueral Rural Tourism Spain

DO Terra Alta

One of the most picturesque parts of the area that produces strong white wines that is full-bodied. The full-bodied beautiful reds are primarily produced by mixing three varieties of grapes: Macola, Garnatxa Negra and Gartnaxa peluda. This is the area were Picasso started out on one of his most fruitful stages, cubism, in the village of Horta de Sant Joan

The local wine cellars of the Terra Alta are well worth a visit for their magnificent buildings in the Modernist (Art Nouveau) style – see Gandesa and El Pinell de Brai.

Wine tour of the Terra Alta

The local wine cellars of the Terra Alta wines are well worth a visit for their magnificent buildings in the Modernist (Art Nouveau) style – see Gandesa and El Pinell de Brai.

The route begins with a visit to Pinell de Brai and the Modernist cooperative cellar built between 1917 and 1922 by Cèsar Martinell, a disciple of Gaudí. The elliptical brick arches inside are noteworthy, as is the magnificent exterior glazed ceramic frieze by Xavier Nogués, decorated with allegories of oil and wine.
Next follow the C-43 to the Gandesa cooperative cellar a Modernist building designed in 1919 also by Cèsar Martinell. The structure is supported by slender brick pillars and the roof of flat Catalan tiles is built on balanced brick lancet arches.
On your way into Gandesa you will see a sign post for a village called Bot on the TV3531 if you take this road into Bot there are two cellars the co-operative and a small cellar called Cal Menescal at the entrance to the village. This is an interesting if small local cellar of unique tasting white and red wines, amazing balsamic vinegar and their own branded liquor. In conversation, I was told they had been approached many times by wine distributors who wanted large quantities of their wine, their answer; we have what we have and when it’s gone it’s gone. Asked; Can you increase the quantity, they answer no.!! If you do, try and you like we can always order and supply in the UK.
The last cellar on this route is Batea. To get there take the N-420 in the direction of Calaceit and once you reach the pass of El Moro, take the C-221. Batea is the home of an excellent wine that has been intensively marketed in recent years. Twenty-five old press houses are now used for wine ageing, and there is also a tasting room.
For a winery tour, 45 minutes’ drive is the Buil & Giné premises architecturally exquisite, where guided tours of the winery and estate, and wine tasting with an expert are offered. Tours are run throughout the day and no prior booking is required.
Cost: A traditional tour starts from €15for tour and tasting of 3 different wines
Times of visits without reservation: Monday to Saturday from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Sundays and holidays from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
See this link for times etc. (